Saturday, January 25, 2020
Solutions To Overcome HR Issues
Solutions To Overcome HR Issues Reliance telecommunications LTD is an Indian telecommunication company founded by Anil Ambani in 2004.The headquarters of the company is in Navi Mumbai India. Reliance telecommunication is the 15th largest telecommunication provider in the world with 150 million subscribers and the second largest telecommunication provider in India. The company has segments like wireless and broadband in telecommunication industry. The company achieved a high growth in telecommunication industry from the beginning stage itself. Customer satisfaction and good company policies made them to competitive with other companies. Reliance communications follows good human resource policies and procedures even though it has some draw backs. Vision of the company-Providing information, communication, entertainment services and being the benchmark in customer experience, employee centricity and innovation is the main vision of the company. Mission of the company-meeting beyond customer needs and wants with a segmented approach, relentless offering of services and products that are value for cash and stimulate customers, offer a network experience that is best in the communication industry, make reliance in to an international brand which is a iconic brand by others and lead industry in target to purchase and faithfulness. INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human resource management refers to an assortment of policies used to systematize work in the employment relationship and centres on the management of work and the management of people who undertakes this work. Therefore HRM is concerned with recruitment, selection, learning and development, reward, communication, teamwork and routine management. While it is relatively easy to list activities that make up HRM, It is a subject that stimulates much debate and disagreement. The hr process is considered as important for the management of the consumer pleasure with human recourses. The clients find comfortable and will be satisfied when they understand the hr processes and how they are connected and the hr processes interact. Modern hr processes are measured and frequently analysed and identifies the irregularities in the activities and it brings the improvements for the benefits of the organisation. The success of Human Resources Management is in the connection of all HR processes as they provide the adequate supports to workers and the managers. So the main aim of Human Resource Management is to keep the human capital ready for action on the market and the rational grouping of HR Processes helps to interact and manage the individual processes. Every organisation has their own HR processes, but the main HR Processes are always same in all companies as it is the market HR Best Practices. Human Resource Management is considered as a comparatively new approach to Personnel Management. HRM emphasizes primarily on its strategic contributions and its closer alignment to business, HRM is a vital component of any organization, its involvement among other components of line management is notable (Paauwe. J, Jan 2009). Paauwe further suggests that HRM aims on its ultimate goals such as High job performance, low absence and high cost effectiveness through the efficient utilization of the man power of the company. Human resource is really the major component of any organization, the success or failure of an organization heavily relies on its Man power management. Maslows need Hierarchy theory is considered as guiding principle for HR Management across the globe. Maslow identified the very basics of human motivation factors. Following this principle it can be assumed that to motivate an employee HR manager should understand his level of expectations, potential of the employee, a nd should evaluate the performance before and after certain motivational measures implemented. KEY HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITIES OF RELIANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANPOWER PLANNING Human Resource Planning is the integral part of Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning estimates the optimal level of Man power requirement on the basis of quality and quantity. Thus HRP can be considered as the foundation of Human Resource management. Although HR planning is very important it cannot be executed faultlessly in all cases, as HR is dependent on various factors such as employment situation of the country, influence of technological advancement, changes in the organization structures, Demographic factors such as age, population, composition of workforce, lack of skill, multicultural workforce etc. Certain pressure groups will also affect the precision of the HRP. Understanding of competencies of the Human resource is vital in forming a successful HR frame work. Lengnic-Hall, 1988, Milliman et al., 1991, describes the terms Internal and External fit, Internal fit refers to the extent to which the manpower constituents are linked in a logical way and how effecti vely they support themselves, on the other hand external fit primarily focus on the strategy of the organization, external fit reveals to what extent human resources systems are integrated. Manpower Planning or Human Resource Planning includes putting exact number of people, exact kind of people at the exact place, exact time at a low cost. Personnel Planning hold an important place in the world of industrialization. Personnel Planning has to be a systematic approach and is managed in a set of model operations. The procedure is as follows: Assessing the present manpower in the company Forecasting the future needs budding employment programmes Organising training programmes BENEFITS OF MAN POWER PLANNING Manpower planning is very important part of human resource management. A few importance of man power planning are. concentrated labour cost.-with the help of manpower planning there is most favourable operation of labour force in the organisation workers are given those jobs to implement for which they are skilled (right person for the right job).it leads to overall progress of the man power in the organisation. Optimum utilisation of manpower: it helps to utilise the labour force in the company which helps in the growth of manpower in the organisation. Develops business plan-Man power planning is an important part of overall business planning. No business can survive without having the right type and number of people doing the right work at the right time. Helps in career succession planning-with the help of better manpower planning it helps to produce a good career succession of employees which provides much lead time for internal succession of workers through higher position through encouragement. Development of the organisation- The man power planning helps in the expansion of an organisation. Growth in overall business planning-Manpower planning is a main part of overall business planning. Efficient manpower planning will help to improve the business. RECRUITEMENT AND STAFFING Recruitment and staffing is the process of selecting the right labours in to the organisation. The main aim of recruitment is to look for and be a magnet for persons with skilled to fill the vacancies. This process includes job analysis preparing personnel requirement sources of skilled employees. Job analysis Job analysis is a process of analysing the job in detail and providing the details of job needs to the HR planning department they present details as job specification and job analysis. Job analysis is important in the whole organisation. And they will provide the details of manpower requirements. The main sources of recruitment are Reliance communications have two main sources of recruitment internal and external internal external sources of recruitment(figure.2) Internal sources of recruitment are. Promotion-This is a normal source of recruitment, which means providing higher position, salary and responsibilities to the employee. So the position of the job vacancy is filled by promoting the suitable employee within the organisation. Transfers-It means transferring one employee to the other organisation without change in salary and position, so the vacancy can be filled by transfer. Advertising internally-Here the job vacancy is advertised within the organisation so the existing employees in the organisation can apply for the post. So the recruitment is take place inside the organisation. External sources of recruitment are. Selective recruitment through job boards-This is a major source of recruitment .To ensure most appropriate qualified candidates are being applied for the major position. The agency considers the following details for every positions junior, intermediate, senior, Level of education degree, diploma etc. Using these details the company determines which job boards, communication channels, and advertisement strategies are suitable for attract the right skilled candidates to apply for the job positions. Management consultants-For the vacancies in the higher positions in the company, management consultants are used to find the qualified and skilled employees. They act as a recruiter on the behalf of the company. Advertisement for public-The Company advertises the vacancy in internet, newspapers, Television etc. And this will provide the details of the company, job and the qualification required for the position. NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF STAFFING Keep space with new development-New developments are happening every day. A business will have to keep phase with new changes. This will be possible only if competent persons are employed who can adjust as per the new situation. Manpower Development-man power planning will have to be done in advance. The future requirements of personnel will be estimated quite in advance. The new staff will be recruited, people will be prepared for talking up higher responsibility jobs, and all this will be possible with a well planned staffing function. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPEMENT This function helps the employees to develop their skills and knowledge for increasing their output. This process is not only done for the freshers but also to the existing employees in the firm to develop their skills and responsibilities. Human resource development helps to increase the total knowledge, abilities, skills, talents, and aptitudes of an organisations work force. Human resource development includes function such as training, career development. Training-Training is providing to improve the knowledge and skills of the employees there are mainly two types of training they are on the job training and off the job training. On the job training is a process of giving training in normal working situations using actual materials or documents, equipment, actual tools trainees will make use when completely moulded. Off the job training is usually provided away from the usual working environment, it may include more general skills and knowledge which is useful for the job. This type of training is given by the specialised trainers or from an outside company who outsource the trainers. METHODS OF TRAINING A.Programmed learning- It is a step by step process of self learning method,providing questions, facts, and problems to the learner then allowing the person to respond and providing feed back on the accuracy of the answer. B. Apprentiship training- It is a method of process that the employees will become efficient workers through grouping of classroom coaching and also through on job training. C. Audio visual based training- This method of training includes tools like power point presentation, online video conferencing, audiotapes and video tapes. D. Computer based trining- This training method is widely used to provide good training to employees, it is time consuming and easy way to provide training. It is cost effective while comparing to other training methods. E. Simulated training- In this method trainess will learn from the actual or simulated equipement they will use on the job, but actually trained off the job. F. Lectures- When their is a large number of trainees, this method is used it is the immideate way to give instruction of job related activities within a specified period of time. H. Internet and distance Training Internet training includes video conferencing and web based training, distance training means traditional training paper and pencil correspondence course. 1. Tele training where a trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees at remote locations via television hookups. 2. Videoconferencing Video conferencing will provide the opportunity to train the employees from one location and communicate live through video and audio visuals with people in different locations another country, city etc. 3. Training via the Internet the Internet based learning programs are very popular. Several companies simply let their employees to take online courses provided by online course providers while others use their intranets to facilitate computer-based training. CAREER DEVELOPEMENT Diagram demonstrating your personal development Carrer developement of employees is a crucial part of the organisation, It helps to identifies the overall acheivement of the employees .Career developement is becoming an essential part of HR departement due to todays everchanging organisaton enviornment and work place. Reliance communications helps the employees to attain a good carrer graph based on the company HR policies and procedures. First of all the company gather the strength and weakness of every individual, then they provide different opportunities to develop their carrer based on the strength and weakness. The basic formula for the career developement is self awareness every individual asses their own problems and issues and then the company will help to over come this issues .Now days people are changing their jobs to attain a good carrer success .Reliance communication identifies this problem and they had a good career sucession plan for every individual employee in the organisation. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Compensation and benefits is a basic motivational factor to the employees.Every employee will search for high paid jobs,benefits is also another important factor if the company provides good benifits the employees will get good attachment to the company. Benefits include bonus, medical insurance,retierment policies, life insurace, vacation etc.Reliance communicatons provide basic pay which is satisfiable for every employee to motivate the employees and to attract to qualified employees to the organisation. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPEMENT Leadership developement helps the organisation to achieve the goals, through the developement of good leadership in each employee reliance aims at the overall developement of the organisation as well as the growth in employees functioning.Every employee in the organisation is gaining a better leadership quality through the leadership developement function.Each emloyees in the company are closely monitored by the management and if they are weak in the work the company will encourage them.And the workers are councelled by the management to increase work efficiency.And their will be a structured plan to create a positive working enviornment.The main aim of leadership developement is to leading self,leading others and leading the organisation. MAJOR HR ISSUES FACED BY RELIANCE COMMUNICATION ISSUES IN RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS EMPLOYEE RETENTION POOR HR POLICIES CASH AND COMPENSATION ISSUES 1.CASH AND COMPENSATION ISSUES: Cash and compensation issues is a major problem faced by HR managers in reliance communications. There is more pressure on HR function to pay more incentives and basic pay for the employees.However reliance paying basic salary to each individual employees the company faces more pressure to meet the employee beniefits . 2.EMPLOYEE RETENTION ISSUES: Most of the companies face the same problem of employee lay-offs. So the organisation have to prevent the issue by retaining the employee by providing good working condition and benefits whichever the employees need. In reliance industries there are so many employees leave the company due to lack of co-ordination between workers. The organisation tries to check the issue but fails sometimes. 3. POOR HR POLICIES : The plocies and practices adopted by the HR managers regarding their networking sector is an important example. They brought some new plans in mobile networking sector like low call rate for mobile users, low internet browsing charge.etc., but the competitors like AIRTEL communications, BSNL network, VODAFONE facilitated some more exciting offers than the reliance. In that situation the Reliance communication hesitated to change their HR policies and techniques. From the graphical representation of reliances communications profit from 2007 to 2012, we can easily determine that the profit is coming down in last two years comparing to the past this is due to the poor HR issues as mentioned above.The company is earning a high growth in 2008 and 2009 which is around 55000 million and it is dramatically falling down in the upcoming years.That means the company is facing some major HR issues and also high competition from other companies, so the organisation must change their HR policies eventually. SUGGESTIONS TO OVERCOME THE HR ISSUES Nowdays telecommunication industry is facing high competition from other telecommunication companies, If the company has no good HR stratergies the company cannot exist in the high competative world.Reliance communication is facing some HR issues as mentioned above, to overcome this problems company must do some good HR restructuring process in the company .The first main issue is ; Cash and compensation issues- As it is a major problem the company must find a good solution to overcome this issue, the suggestion to solve this problem is to pay cash and compensation based on the experience of the employees.As mentioned above the company is paying a basic salary to each individual, first of all the company must change this basic payment method,and the compensation and benifits must be paid according to the experience and skills of each individual. So the company can reduce the cost of labour so the company can meet the compensation and benifits of each individual according to the profit earned by the company. Employee retention issues-Retention of employees is another HR issue faced by the company, nowadays a lot of employees are leaving the company due to high pressure of work and lack of co-ordination between employees are the main employee retention issues faced by reliance communication, to reduce this problems reliance must provide good working enviornment to reduce the pressure of work, communication is another way to over come this problem good communication between the management and staff will make a good understanding between the employees and management, this will increase employees confidents and reduce the work pressure.A high rate of employees resigning their job and going to another companies who offer better working enviornment. Better co-ordination is the another way to improve employee retention,co-ordination will improve better relationship between employees and management.And this will result increase employees confidence and work efficiency. Poor HR policies-Due to high competition in communication industry lots of companies introducing new HR techniques to improve their company goodwill .Reliance communication is following the traditional HR policies and plans so the company is facing high market competition from other companies, to exists in the competative market company must improve their HR stratergies and policies.Nowadays companies are providing good offers to the employees so the company must realise the problems and try to overcome such issues.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Motivation Solution Essay
Motivation is the real driving force of a company that culminates the entire work force of a company into one tireless engine that runs on towards success. However, it is easier said than done to achieve that flow of motivation in a company ââ¬â because it takes relentless effort from the management to keep every component of the organization motivated. Therefore, I felt really happy as an organizational consultant, when the CEO of ââ¬Å"The Altitude Corporationâ⬠, Mr. David had sought my assistance to assess and recommend ways and means to improve the state of LOB (Leadership and Organizational Behavior) in his esteemed company. It made me happy on another account that I could successfully pinpoint the problem areas and specific solutions for them and Iââ¬â¢m sure that the application of such solutions would definitely make a difference to the future performance of the organization. Therefore, this paper is presented to ââ¬Å"The Altitude Corporationâ⬠as part of the blueprint of the detailed, employee-based analysis, which deals with motivation problem of the company. Here Iââ¬â¢ve embedded the nuances of motivation with the problem areas to provide an enhanced understanding of motivation and its relation with the company. However, the brief of the problems found in the motivation sector is placed below: The Problem An exhaustive study on the motivational state of the 350 employees of the organization is showing that there is serious lack of motivation among the employees, which is the cumulative effect of various factors.à These factors have been mentioned along with possible solutions and detailed discussion in this report, besides discussion on the topic to enhance better understanding about the problems of the company. What is Motivation? Background: Altitude Corporation is a budding company with 350 employees on its roll at present, where most of the departments are interdependent in executing the various levels of operation. Therefore it is necessary to understand the key concepts of motivation to apply them towards motivating the employees. Motivation is the guiding spirit behind the execution of a chosen action, where it helps to achieve the desired result out of that action. Now this guiding spirit is actually backed by some grand essentials of happiness ââ¬â which form the core of all living beingââ¬â¢s reasoning for survival or to develop ââ¬â as the management guru Shiv Khera says, motivation is a ââ¬Å"drive that encourages action or feeling. It is a force that can literally change your lifeâ⬠(Khera 2004). Motivation Philosophy in Workplace Environment It may seem that motivation is an automated process, and humans have nothing to meddle into it ââ¬â but it is the degree of its intensity that determines the level of oneââ¬â¢s achievement and from this perspective motivation is a very important factor in human life, which is multidimensional and is not limited to manage just a living for a good number of years. Thus, at the primary level motivation is essential for existence, and in its secondary level, it is essential to develop further on aesthetic, emotional or esoteric plane of existence. Likewise, one might have many goals spread out at various levels of his/her existence and thus requires all of his/her power of body and mind. Here motivation would be that essential catalyst to synchronize the body and mind power of that individual, which would heighten the emotion and passion to achieve all such goals. In this context, motivation philosophy is an extremely important in workplace, because all or most of the primary or secondary goals of the employees are either directly or indirectly attached to the success of his/her workplace, which is totally dependent on the motivated action of the employees themselves. Thus it will be pertinent to incorporate motivation theories that have evolved out of workplace environment and I have chosen four such theories for better understanding of the subject from various angles, besides showing the correlations among them and the proceedings of the Altitude Corporation. Motivation Theories Theory 1: Hierarchy of Needs This theory of Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)[1] provides an outline of human needs that a manager should know and exploit to motivate the employees, because motivation is guided by unfulfilled needs. Thus Maslowââ¬â¢s model of ââ¬Ëneedsââ¬â¢ is invaluable to systematically pursue the needs while keeping the flow of motivation intact. Maslowââ¬â¢s model (Abraham, 2006) divides the human needs into five broad based categories and they are: 1. Physiological Needs: Air, Water, Nourishment and Sleep ââ¬â these are the basic needs of humans and a company should take care that the employees are having all these in proper measure. Itââ¬â¢s only after meeting this need, humans can look towards sustenance, and thus arrives the need like Safety need. 2. Safety Needs: This need covers the issues of safety in both living and in workplace, medical insurance, job security and financial backup. Company should try to contribute in all of these areas with the view that the problem in any of these areas takes away the focus of the employees. This provides much needed mental space and time to the employees, where they can afford to pursue another vital need like Social Need. 3. Social Needs: Group activities, socialization, or enhanced interpersonal communication are the elements that fulfill the social needs and which are well within the ambit of a company to imbibe in the employees, where they form a sense of belonging, which paves the way for the next need, that is Esteem Need. 4. Esteem Needs: At this stage humans turn their focus on esteem that involves recognition and social status, at the outer world and self-respect or sense of achievement in oneââ¬â¢s own mind. This creates the platform to pursue the self-realization process, which is a unique and endless process, where one can bask in the endless discoveries about oneself. Maslow had named this ultimate need of humans as Self-actualization. It is thus understood, that an employee would reach his/her highest point of regard about the company, if it can help him/her to reach this state. 5. Self-actualization: Every human life is ideally poised to pursue this need where one can delve deep within and keep on discovering oneself from many perspective both on mental and physical plane ââ¬â it is something like playing in oneââ¬â¢s own garden ââ¬â in Maslowââ¬â¢s words, ââ¬Å"Self-actualized persons have frequent occurrences of peak experiences, which are moments of profound happiness and harmonyâ⬠(Maslowââ¬â¢s, 2008).
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Affirmative Action Debate Essay - 1642 Words
For the sake of this essay, affirmative action in education is defined as: ââ¬Å"policies and programs designed to advance equality of educationalopportunity for individuals from groups that have suffered systematic historical discriminationâ⬠(Mickelson 29). What is being referred to here is race-based affirmative action, or the act of taking into consideration an applicantââ¬â¢s race in the college admissions process. This is a hot topic all over the United States and has been for quite a while, the debate raging between two sides: those in support of affirmative action and those opposed. The ethics of affirmative action itself are difficult to determine, but here an attempt will be made to prove that affirmative action is indeed unfair. Inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Colleges and universities followed suit and began to use affirmative action in admissions as well (Garrison-Wade and Lewis 24). Following this was a whole slew of court cases, both supporting and condoning affirmative action. There are too many to effectively express here. Still today the debate continues to be fueled from both sides, neither group relenting or compromising. The two sides in this issue are simple, supporting and opposing, and they need to be well understood before the case against affirmative action can be attempted. Those who support affirmative action have the general argument that it allows disadvantaged minorities to be admitted to universities whereas without affirmative action they would be turned down and would be unable to have any access to higher education (Ogletree). In fact, Mary Ratliff, state and local president of the Columbia, Mississippi NAACP branch, says this regarding affirmative action: ââ¬Å"Many African Americans are underprivileged economically due to past inequities. To not grant any raceâ⬠¦-based criteria would mean many African Americansâ⬠¦would be unable to attend collegeâ⬠(Darnell). 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay about Thomas Hobbes Laws of Nature - 874 Words
Thomas Hobbes: What Is The Difference Between Obligations In foro interno and In foro externo, and When Do We Have Such Obligations? According to Thomas Hobbes, there are certain laws of nature which exist in the absence of an organized government. These laws are extremely cut throat, and place people in extremely dangerous situations where their lives are in danger. Government is the answer to this dangerous situation, but it is here that the question of obligation comes into question. Does one have an obligation to take a chance and follow the laws set forth for them, or should they only think of themselves, and follow the laws of nature? This is a vital question which I will explore. According to Hobbes, the overriding law of natureâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The difference between there two are that in foro interno means inside you, or you believing in something. In this case, it would mean that inside you, you would want to strive for peace because it would mean an end to worrying about your life. No longer would you have to walk around in a state of nature where any one can come and take your life. Hobbes believed that a person always has an obligation to strive towards peace in foro interno because every man wants one thing more than any other, and that is to live. However, Hobbes did not believe that you always had an obligation to work towards peace in foro externo. The reason for this, simply put, you can not trust other men to do the same unless you can be sure that they will not turn on you and take your life. Hobbes felt that, quot;For he that should be modest and tractable, and preform all he promises, in such time and place where no man else should do, should be make himself prey to others, and procure his own certain ruin, contrary to the ground of all laws of nature, which tend to natures preservation.quot;3 Hobbes felt that ones obligation in foro externo ended when fulfilling the obligation would endanger the life of the person. Every law of nature is geared for the preservation of the life of the self, and therefore, every man has the right to not do something should it mean that he would have to give up his or her life. In the case of in foroShow MoreRelatedThomas Hobbes First Three Laws of Nature and the Fools Objection1165 Words à |à 5 PagesHobbes First Three Laws of Nature and the Fools Objection Thomas Hobbes begins The Leviathan by establishing the idea that all men are created equal, although every man perceives himself as smarter than the next. 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Thomas Hobbes lived during revolutionary times, beginning with the overthrow and demise of the English King, Charles 1, in 1641 (Newton, 2004). Hobbes writingsRead MoreThomas Hobbes Biography And View On Justice1447 Words à |à 6 PagesThomas Hobbes Introduction Thomas Hobbes sees human from a mechanistic view that life is simply the motions of the organism believes that a state of nature in human kind will eventually become a state of war of all against all. He attempted to justify the absolute power of the sovereign on the basis of a hypothetical social contract in which individuals seek to protect themselves from one another by agreeing to obey the sovereign in all matters. The key element in Hobbesââ¬â¢s view on human natureRead MoreAnalysis Of V For Vendetta By Allan Moore And The Norsefire Government1503 Words à |à 7 PagesPolitical philosopher Thomas Hobbesââ¬â¢ had this sort of thought though- a supreme leader was the best way to create absolute sovereign and remove civil war within society. Hobbes believed that if citizens created a social contract, it would be the ideal way for citizens to live within peace and adhere to the law of nature. Within the graphic novel V for Vendetta written by Allan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd, the aspect of their totalitarian government, The Norsefire reflects Hobbesââ¬â¢ ideology of theRead MoreThomas Hobbes Philosophical Political Piece1317 Words à |à 6 PagesThomas Hobbe s philosophical political piece The Leviathan argues that society functions most effectively if all state and commonwealth is delegated by an all powerful sovereign, and that without it we are in a state of chaos, otherwise titled by Hobbes as the state of nature (Thomas Hobbes, 2002, p. 181). I will argue that it is not possible to acknowledge what life is like in the state of nature without fully acknowledging that life in the state of nature leads to an all-powerful sovereignRead MoreComparison of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Essay1092 Words à |à 5 Pages Human nature and its relevance in determining behaviors, predictions, and conclusions has caused dispute among philosophers throughout the ages. Political philosophy with its emphasis on government legitimacy, justice, laws, and rights guided the works of the 17th and 18th century philosophical writings of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Through Thomas Hobbes world-renowned publication Leviathan and Rousseauââ¬â¢s discourses on basic political principals and concepts, each man validated theirRead MoreEssay on Contrasting Thomas Hobbes and John Locke1011 Words à |à 5 PagesContrasting Hobbes and Locke Nearly two-hundred and twenty-five years ago the United States of America chose to fight a Thomas Hobbes government, with the hope of forming a John Locke institution. The ideas of these men lead to the formation of two of the strongest nations in the history of the world: Great Britain followed by the United States. Thomas Hobbes viewed the ideal government as an absolute monarchy, due to the chaos of the state of nature in contrast, John Lockeââ¬â¢s idealRead MoreThomas Hobbes and John Locke Essay1020 Words à |à 5 PagesHobbes and Locke John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were famous political Theorists among other things in their time. Hobbes who was born 40 years before Locke had a very different perspective to Locke and both will be examined more through this essay. Even though many of there theories were different in the sixteenth century Hobbes and Locke s theories became closer as the rise of the state and decline of the feudal system brought about the question of authority.
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